Ostéopathie centre I.T.S.
Mathias Laubli
Rue de la Banque 4,
1700 Fribourg
Mobile: 076 482 2778
Fixed & Fax: 026 322 6260
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Mathias is fluent both in English and French and qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in London. Osteopathy can be useful for a great deal of aches and pains, from the classic sore backs, necks, shoulders, knees etc to pelvic and abdominal discomforts, pains felt by expectant mothers, babies, children and repetitive strains and chronic muskulo-skeletal dysfunctions. He is also available for outcalls and is happy to discuss osteoopathy with you over a phone call if you have any questions.
posted: 19.01.05
updated: 11.04.10
Osteopathie Zug Walchwil
Brigitte van Dulmen
Dorfstrasse 2
6300 Zug
Hinterbergstrasse 6E
6318 Walchwil
Tel: 041 711 71 20
I have a practice for Osteopathy in Zug and Walchwil. In the Walchwil Practice I am working with two other colleagues who offer Physiotherapy, Radial Shock Wave Therapy, Shiatsu and Cantienica (Body forming gymnastic). We all speak English and German. I personally also speak Dutch.
More info about the Practice you will find at my website: http://www.osteopathie-zug.ch/
posted: 13.02.12
updated: 24.08.14
The English Osteopaths
28 rue de Geneve
1225 Chene-Bourg , Geneva
Tel: (022) 348.2481 or (079) 815.8741
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David Lewis and Charlotte Walker are British osteopaths offering treatments for Sports Injuries, muscle and tendon pulls, ligament strains, back and neck pain, sciatica, headaches, joint pain etc...
Charlotte is also a Pilates instructor and offers one to one rehabilitation following injury using Pilates and Swiss Ball exercises.
posted: 01.09.04
emailed 19.01.10 to see if listing is correct.
Praxis fur Osteopathie bei Focus 14
Persis Jilla
Uraniastrasse 14
8001 Zurich
Tel: (043) 344 84 16
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Persis is an English Osteopath and a graduate of the British School of Osteopathy. She offers consultations to adults and children, including issues relating to pregnancy, post partum, sports and work injuries, headaches, musculoskeletal sprains and strains.
Her practice employs a wide range of approaches, including structural and cranial techniques and rehabilitation exercises.
Whether you are recovering from an injury, are interested in prevention, or want a checkup, please do not hesitate to call.
For more information, please view the website.
posted: 11.01.08
emailed 19.01.10 to see if listing is correct.
TherapieZentrumZug-Practice for Osteopathy
Dorfstrasse 15a
6300 Zug
Tel: 041-712 36 86
Fax: 041-710 60 08
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We are a practice for Osteopathy and Physiotherapy, located in the beautiful old town of Zug. All four osteopaths and the receptionists speak German, English and Dutch!You can directly contact us for an appointment. For more info please look at our website!
posted: 02.05.06
emailed 19.01.10 to see if listing is correct.