If you want to drink, that’s your business.
If you want to stop, we can help.
Alcoholics Anonymous
(English-speaking groups of Zurich)
+41 (0) 44 241 3043
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Official Website
English-speaking Alanon Meetings THURSDAYS 19:00-20:00
Salvation Army residence (Heilsarmee Wohnheim)
Molkenstrasse 6
8004 Zurich
posted: 28.02.11
updated time 19.09.11
The HeartSmart Center for Inner Fitness
CH-8008 Zürich
Tel: 044 722 18 28
Mob: 078 806 9516
Contact: John Styffe
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Many people become addicted as a result of an inner anxiety caused by stress. People try self medicate this anxiety with alcohol, drugs, food and sex. At first the anxiety feels like it has been relieved but in time one needs more to relieve the anxiety.
Learn how to relieve this anxiety with the HeartSmart program. This program is a process that integrates modern scientific tools(neurofeedback and biofeedback) with ancient common sense techniques. This step by step program carefully guides you through a process whereby you learn how to react to external and internal stressors.
This program is not a quick fix, magic nor is it a pill. This program takes time, an effort and a commitment. With the assistance you can see how stress affects your body and mind and then you can use this equipment to learn how to change how you react. You will begin to sleep better, feel better, concentrate better, remember more feel happier, and have less pain. As a result you will have more energy, more balance and more focus.
An Xpat Reports: "I would like to recommend John Styffe’s HeartSmart® program. I started work with him to improve my golf game and concentration. But it has helped much more than I expected; also in my daily life. John has a very subtle and kind way which made me feel comfortable, and convinced me I can make much more out of my life." - Roberta Scott
posted: 27.03.06
updated: 27.02.07, 27.01.09
Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.
Rue de la Madeleine 5
CH – 1800 Vevey
++41 79 438 5192
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Spiritual Teacher/ Life Coach/ Therapist/ Certified Counselor.
I have a doctorate in the philosophy of Metaphysics and over 20 years of experience as a coach and therapist. I also make use of EFT method Emotional Freedom Therapy that has proven beyond doubt that it helps with addictions and phobias of all sorts. Let me work with you to show how you can help yourself. Please visit my websites:
updated: 17.07.11