If you know of any good places to take Riding Lessons, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Centre équestre Écurie des Prés
2 rue Eugène Wacker
68220 Knoeringue
Tél. 03 89 68 68 12

"French is spoken, German is spoken, basic English is spoken, also some English owners have their horse their so always plenty of people to assist with translation if necessary. Good mix of people Swiss, French and Ex-pats."

Located just outside Basel.

posted: 12.02.08

Riding School Ponyakademie (Pony Club Member)
8055 Zürich
Tel: +41 79 691 16 72
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The Ponyakademie riding school welcomes all children from the age of four and teenagers. Here they are carefully introduced to riding and horse care and also have the opportunity to learn about different sports and activities with

2.5 hours of fun and games with horses (CHF 80.-)
- Classical riding lessons
- Everything about horses in theory and practice
- Natural Horsemanship (ground exercises)
- Mounted games

Tuesday - Friday:
Group 1: 1.30 pm - 4 pm
Group 2: 4.30 pm - 7 pm

Group 1: 8.30 am - 11 am
Group 2: 11.30 am - 2 pm

Lunch (CHF 15.-). The stable is accessible by public transport. Free parking facilities are available.

Infos and Contact: V. Mueller, www.ponyakademie.ch

posted: 21.01.10

Reitstall Waldhof

 An Xpat reports; "7 Minutes from Zurich Airport. Excellent facilities but not sure if they speak English."

posted: 19.04.07